Saturday, December 25, 2010

A little (big) set back...

Saying goodbye to Keith didn't go quite as we had planned. The Sunday before he was set to leave I started not feeling well. Monday early morning I thought that I was feeling better but after the drive down to San Diego what ever was bothering me kicked in. That made for a fun ride home by myself let me tell you (Not Really). After about 5 more days and goodness knows how much cold medicine I went into Urgent care to find out that I have Bronchitis again. I just hope that this isn't going to be a December ritual this will be the 2nd December in a row.

As you can imagine I haven't felt much like sewing. I made it to only one half of the christmas workshop at the quilt shop. So I have a really neat Christmas Bargello table runner that isn't finished but it will be before Christmas. I am determined. (Update its christmas and its still not finished but Keith and I will be celebrating everything when he comes home so hopefully by then)

Finals for my classes are this week so I will be focusing on that with a little sewing here and there. I have several swaps that I am behind on and need to get out as soon as I can get them done. (Update finals are done and I have registered for the next semester.. hoping it goes as well as last)

Tonight I still didn't feel much like sewing but I was able to get some FSL Reindeer done for some of my swaps and get some templates cut out for some other projects. (Update that was all I got done with some other things that came up I just didn't make it. Sorry swap buddies I will be sure that what I send is special.. Life just mowed me over this year)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paula's Sewing Challenge

Any one up for a Challenge? A little friendly competition to get the creative juices flowing? Then you should pop over to Paula's Sewing Challenge Blog. She has announce bi-weekly challenges to get more crafters to post about their projects.
I don't know about you but I'm in!! Anything to 1. Get me sewing 2. Get me to post about my finishes and 3. Use fabric from my stash sounds like a good idea to me. Right now I'm focused on Christmas projects but as the challenges change I'm sure that my focus will change to. So head on over to Paula's corner of the web and tell her what your working on.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Well with Thanksgiving over and Christmas fast approaching I guess its time to get moving on all those christmas things that I wanted to get done but haven't touched. Though I will have to take a slight pause so that I can finish homework for this week and to say good bye to Keith. This week he will be departing for another deployment and I promised him that I would keep up the sewing so that we might be able to start our own Etsy or Ebay shop with all the things that we have created with the embroidery machine or been able to sew and customize. He's excited and were not looking for much just to make a few extra dollars here and there.

My brother, his wife and my new nephew noah were here yesterday but will be heading back home today. This is what we worked on yesterday so that I could show off my new machine. They are sucker covers:

They work up really fast and easy and can be found at Designs by SiCK Embroidery Library (the link can also be found in my side bar). If you search sucker alot of different designs come up these are just the few that we decided to make.
Then I had ornaments that I had to make for the shop to show for our E-Club (Embroidery Club). If I hadn't mentioned it before I lucked out and got offered a job working at the local quilt shop Quilters Quarters. Its a nice friendly little shop located in Handford California or you can visit us here online. I will be taking over leading E-Club starting in January and cant wait. Here are the ornaments that I made and we will be making at our next E-Club meeting.

You can find these designs at Embroidery Library under minitures or by clicking here. I actually found the instructions here also at embroidery library. In talking to the ladies at the shop we feel that the minatures could be enlarged just a bit and look better in the snow globe. You can do that easily with your embroidery machine or software. I found the plastic ornaments at Michael's Arts and Crafts but I'm sure with a little searching you can find a good deal online as well. The sparkly grass was holiday basket grass that I found at the $1 store. Hope I have sparked you interest!! Happy Holidays!!