Good evening everyone! Well I know that I have been MIA for a long time. I haven't forgot about my blog friends out there I promise. I have been busy with things other than sewing. If you haven't read things Keith and I were looking for a house. We put in a bid on one house that I blogged about in a few previous posts but we were out bid. Disappointed Keith and I sat back to re-evaluate and decide if buying a house was really the thing for us. After a lot of thought we decided to put a bid on another house. It had come down in price and it was actually the first house that we had wanted but because it was priced so high that it was not feasable for us. Things worked out and we have been going through the paperwork process to buy this house.
Well tuesday May 4th we were supposed to be able to pick up our keys that didn't happen we actually closed on the house about a week later. I am really excited. Mom and Dad came up to help us move. Mom and I tried put things away while the boys are moved the heavy things in the morning since Keith had to work still. Mom is still not able to walk very far or for very long but she and I did some grocery shopping and she walked more that few days than she had since her surgery.
So that is in a nut shell what I have been working on. The begining of march I had some health issues that pretty much sucked the life out of me but I think this new house is really going to turn things around.
My brother and his wife are now expecting their first child and Mom and I have offered to throw the baby shower. Right now mom and I are just talking about the hand made decorations like the diaper cake for a center piece and all the things that we are going to attach to it to decorate it.
Stay tuned for pictures of the latest embroidery machine pictures... Mom and I think that they will make a great addition to the diaper cake decorations. Pictures of the new house will hopefully be around soon to. We have some but its so bare that we need to move things in first smiles
Today I plan on wirking on installing the blinds that keith and I ordered... Shh don't tell him.. I hope that he won't be upset.. but I figure with a power screw driver I will be set.. should be easy. Afterall I tore apart and put the fridge back together ..