First let me apologise for the lack of pictures. I promise to try to get some up but right now the camera is missing and 90% of the time I can't find my phone in the mess..
Where has the time gone?? I can't believe its has been so long since I posted. So many things have changed. Keith took a new job in Colorado and the end of March the boys and I moved to Colorado to live with my parents so that we could be closer to Keith when he was here in the states. Retired from the navy and he still deploys, not for as long a span of time but that doesn't make us miss him any less.
We celebrated Logan's second birthday a few days after getting to Colorado. It was not an easy start for us here. When we arrived both boys were sick.. Logan with a double ear infection and pneumonia, and Grayson a sinus infection. I hope that no one ever has to endure a 2 year with pneumonia and ear infections at high altitudes its not fun to not be able to do anything to soothe the pressure and an 8 month old with a sinus infection? that is for the birds for sure.
Last month we were finally able to find an apartment to stay in, not exactley our plan we were hoping to have a yard for the boys and the dog but things happen for a reason and this is just one smaller step to getting situated here in Colorado. Perhaps the biggest thing other than my boys getting older and smarter and cuter (smiles) we sold our house in California. That is one of the hardest things to wrap my head around right now.. The first house that Keith and I bought together and started our little family in now belongs to some one else.
There are better things for us out there right?? We are now together instead of being split between California and Colorado, the navy delivered our household goods yesterday so for the most part we can get to everything we own if we can find it in storage. Things were damaged but I am trying to not think about that right now.
There hasn't been a whole lot of crafting of any kind since we left California. I did quit a bit of sewing before the boys and I moved.. well in the month of January anyway. Begining of February Keith told me to be prepared to move middle of march and well, I had to pack most of the house by myself because he was over seas.
So once we get the things that we want situated in the apartment I would venture to say that we will have officially started new. New State, new job, new house/apartment.... New begining. With that in mind we want to get back to home made. Homemade gifts and treasures and home cooked food. Yumm!!