Just wanted to post an update. There were at least 2 bids put in on the house ours and 1 other. The bank counter offered saying they would take the best and highest.. We took that as to mean that the other bid and ours were so close that they wanted to try to get us to bid more. Keith has worked out all the numbers and has sent them back to the Realtor so we will be signing paperwork again this afternoon and then waiting to see who had the better offer.
Bids have to be in by tomorrow at 1pm so with any luck by friday we should know whether we are still looking or if we need to start packing things to get ready to move.
Any way back to the pictures of the house... Look at this one for a minute..
Do you see the wicker baskets above the bar area in between the beams in the ceiling? Well to be honest the are going to get pulled down.. they look like some that my mom had when I was a kid.. But I can see something else very different there.... I see six special quilted pot holders hung there for display. I think I have a couple already but would really like for Keith to help in the decorating so I might just have him pick some fabric and I will make some special ones.
My fingers are still crossed for you.
Soooooo was the house a yes or a no?????
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