Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stash Report Week 5

Well I can't say that I got any sewing done. Although I did get some towels embroidered. Some didn't look so great but thats okay. They weren't that expensive and Keith says that we can use them in our Kitchen.. LOL. Turns out the tension was off on the new embroidery machine so it went in for servicing yesterday. Hopefully they won't have to order any parts.

Back to the stash report. I received in the mail this week 2 packages with fabric and Keith bought me a Kit. Yes I ordered them both of the ones from the mail with projects in mind or should I say giftee's in mind. I need to get another turnover so that I know that I have enough to find a project for the other one. Have any ideas of a "Holly Jolly Snowmen" Turnover? Let me know. I want to make some easy tops that Keith and I will be able to display at some point and time. Did you know that there is about (rough estimate) 0.8 yards in a Turnover and 2.8 yards in a Jelly Roll? Well here is the report.. Not great but after some cheering on from Jill I have started marking fabric for projects when I can sew.

Fabric added this week: 7.6
Fabric added year-to-date: 21.85

Fabric used this week: 0.0
Fabric used year-to-date: 2.25

Net Fabric Used: -19.6

I know not great but, hopefully soon I will be able to sew little bits here and there. Crossing fingers I had a few bad days this week so I don't want to push things too far. I know once I can sew I will be pushing things from the stash pile over to the flimsy pile.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday already and Frustrated!! Ugh

Though I'm sure that Keith is not saying "Wow its thursday already" that is the thought that went through my head this morning. Actually the first thought through my head this morning was where the heck is my registration for my truck. It never got mailed from Colorado in the first place. I called on it and then priority mailed a check to a lady name Pat who said that she would take care of it in a timely manner (after asking me why I can't just come into the office and take care of it.. Duh active military not living in the state). It has been sitting at the PO box since the 11th and still my check hasn't been processed, nothing has been mailed back to me as being wrong.. What the heck?? So when my parents are awake I am going to call dad and see what he is up to this weekend.

He wanted to drive to colorado to fix this in the first place and I talked him out of it. Looks like we may have to go anyway since the trucks registration expires in 4 days. Ugh I am so mad. I told the lady once it was expired that I could no longer get on the base since I had no proof that I had recieved the card so that I could make copies of it and the check that I sent back.. So the truck will sit.. The lady is lucky I have another vehicle at this point or I probably would have been on the phone to her supervisor a long time ago!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our new addition to the sewing room

A couple of weeks ago Keith and I stumbled across an embroidery machine on craig's list. Not just any e-machine but a Babylock Pro-Line embroidery machine. Yes I already have a Brother Disney machine but in reading the group emails some of the ladies were having issues with things and were having trouble getting replacement parts. Plus the deal really was too good to pass up. Along with the machine I got a Madeira treasure chest FULL of Rayon thread 200+ spools (If you have priced them online lets just say that I got the machine and thread for less than I could buy the treasure chest for). I got a similar deal on my Brother machine a few years ago the lady sold it to me with a box full of about 100 spools of thread.

So does loads and loads of thread count as stash? If it does I had better get to sewing .. Smiles. Using the embroidery machine right now is a bit easier than actually sewing. So I have been putting together my list of things to do using the embroidery machine. When I feel up to it of course. I have done a bit of work on EQ 6 but wasn't happy with the way things came out so all in all I have been non productive while on surgery leave. Thats okay though once I feel up to it I will be sewing to my hearts content.

Keith and I have talked and think that this year is going to be a hand made gift year for our families. If I start now I might actually get things done in time to mail them out to his family and not be sewing the night before Christmas eve for my family.

We will have to see what the new year and the new machine brings. Currently one of the swaps that I am participating in has a requirement of a hand towel and I am trying to decide on the perfect design to embroider on it. I had some issues with the machine this morning and realized that the lady that sold me the machine gave me a bag of the wrong bobbins which we all know can cause big problems.

Here are a couple of pictures of the towel that I was playing with this morning. It doesn't look too bad. Not very centered but it was the first thing that I tried with the new machine. I hope that my swap pals will like what ever it is that I finally decide on. Until later....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stash Report Week 4

Well I guess everyone will say that I have fallen off the stash wagon. Joann's was having a sale on calicos and I thought that it would be a great time to add some of those fabrics that we use for back grounds and things like that. I never seem to have enough of the filler fabrics.

Then there was this pink fabric that had black and grey horses on it. My friend Regina in San Diego loves the color pink and we used to go riding all the time. You know how that works if you don't buy it it won't be there when you want it. I will be posting pictures later maybe everyone can help me figure out a fussy cut pattern to use with it. I have some ideas but more will be welcome.

Fabric added this week: 14.25
Fabric added year-to-date: 14.25

Fabric used this week: 0.0
Fabric used year-to-date: 2.25

Net Fabric Used: -12.00

I know I know. When I am able to sew I will start working hopefully fast. I want to sew some pillowcases for the APQ Challenge.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fab Shop Hop.. Pie Days Yum

Today I came across FabShopHops "Pie Days". It is a special hop that starts today in honor of National Pie Day. There are 30 shops and 90 pie recipies and patterns. There is also a Challange that goes with it making a quilt using at least 36 of the blocks that you found. Sounds like fun to me! The pie blocks will make a great quilt for that baker that you know. I think they will also make a great wall hanging for the kitchen, pot holders or even place mats for that favorite dessert. Yummy!! Are you in? I will be for an EQ 6 Challange not much more until okayed by the doctor to be able to sew. I apparently have used my arm too much doing the every day things and have irritated things until they hurt. So I will be taking it REALLY easy the next few days.

PS Hop fast there are only 2 days to get all those pie recipies. I have seen a bunch and they all look yummy so far.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday night sew in/ Stash Report Week 3

Well I did get to do a little (very little) organizing on Friday. Sorry I didn't get to posting about it to share pictures with everyone. I am a bit run down with all the pain meds. I have set up several times to use my computer and to work on eq only to get to the point to actually work and put the computer down because I was tired.

I was going to share a picture of my arm because we were allowed to take bandages off yesterday but it looks gross and decided that it was too graphic for blog (Looks like frankenstein).. That and well today I actually made Keith sick poking it.. He got light headed and said he felt like he was going to pass out.

So stash report is slim this week no purchases no usage

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added year-to-date: 0.00

Fabric used this week: 0.0
Fabric used year-to-date: 2.25

Net Fabric Used: 2.25

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Online Shop Hops

Have you ever participated in the FabShopHop online? I have several times and have come out with gift certificates and things a couple of times as well. Mom even won some neutral fabrics once that was awesome.

I have also participated in shop hops her locally. The San Diego Quilt run as well as the Southern California Quilt run. Both of which are awesome it was fun to see the shops that you don't normally shop at and make friends with people you didn't know were so close. Being that I have moved too far north of San Diego to be able to participate and enjoy the time in the shops to look at the new gadgets and gizmos and the new lines of fabric, I have resorted to shop hopping online.

There are quite a few shop hops when you actually look at it. They are kind of hard to keep straight and keep track of. Last night I decided that I was going to participate in the Mystery Quilt Dash. Its actually Mystery Quilt Dash #6. If you haven't seen it or have never tried it, its pretty easy there are 7 shops that are participating and when you have found the Mystery blocks much like the bunny for FabShop, you will have all the clues to Mystery Quilt #6. This would be a great thing to do when you don't have the ability or the motivation to actually sew or quilt. I reccommend taking your time and looking through the shops but you don't have to.

So who's up for the Mystery Quilt Dash? Who's going to join me? It actually ends on January 14th but, there will several others that I will try to post as they come along. You can always sign up for the FabShopHop that will be ending this month.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog Giveaway!!

Head on over to Bobbi's she's having a giveaway for her 99th post! And her prizes are super awesome and extremely generous. Check her out!
First Prize:

Second Prize:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stash Report Week 2

I didn't want to post this until I knew I was done but I will do it now and anything used after this will count towards next week.

Unfortunatley I can't post pictures of what I sewed until it is recieved by its happy new owner so look for those next week some time. A couple of them are my original designs. The ideas came from another pattern but I didn't quite like the other pattern so I decided to make my own.

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added year-to-date: 0.00

Fabric used this week: 1.5
Fabric used year-to-date: 2.25

Net Fabric Used: 2.25

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday Night Sew in!

Well the girls are having a sew in this Friday, January 15th. I have vowed to participate in some way or another. But the surgery on wednesday will be the deciding factor as to what I am able to do. If you check out Hedi's page she says that you can work on any project that you want sewing, crochet, knit it doesn't matter. Being that I won't have the use of my right (dominant) arm I will probably not get to be too productive but hope that I can get some organizing done. If I can get some fabric folded or some books put away that in itself will be productive.

So for those of you that are able to participate come join us. I will be here cheering you on.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No sewing Tuesday:

Well Yesterday was a no sewing day. I have lots of things to do but when I got home I was so cold that I took a hot shower, put on some warm clothes and snuggled up in blankets. Mean while Keith was roasting in the house. It has not been super cold here the usual cold for this time of year but we haven't seen the sun in a couple weeks between the rain that we had and the fog/ over cast that never seems to go away. Its left me with this bone chilling cold that I just can't get rid of. Makes me want to not get out of bed in the morning and if I do not leave the house.

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Wednesday!

I guess the having trouble sleeping does sometimes lead to good ideas. Keiths birthday is in February (the 11th to be exact) and being so close to Christmas I was having trouble coming up with a gift idea. Well some where between last night and this morning I had a great thought! He has off and on read about "Geocaching" and talked about that it might be fun but has never actually gone out and done it. If you have never heard of "Geocaching" its basically the modern day treasure hunting using a hand held GPS tracker. Sounds simple enough right? But you never know what obsticals are going to be between you and that treasure.

Well that is all that I have for this morning. Hope that everyone is having a great day

Monday, January 4, 2010

What has this world come to??

Last night I talked to my younger brother and found out that some very mean and nasty person decided to steal his snoopy christmas lawn ornament new years night. He said that he and his wife went to bed about 11pm or so and when they got up in the morning it was gone.

People at work today seem to think it was a drunkin New Years prank and they may be right but why ruin some one elses new years by making them feel uncomfortable. I don't know if you have ever had your car or house broken into but I have and it leaves a very uneasy feeling. A feeling like its going to happen again and for me it was the feeling that some one is out there watching me get into my truck in the dark in the morning.

So last night I searched on ebay and managed to find another Snoopy (Red Baron) like the one that he had and bid on it. Was lucky enough to win it and Keith and I will be giving it to my brother for his birthday. Yes his birthday is in march but when you find a deal off season that is some times the best time to buy.

Today has proven to be the typical monday where everything that could go wrong has. I hope that, that streak is over for the morning since things have finally settled down.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Stash Report Week 1

I aim to start off this year using fabric rather than buying it but with the surgery coming up we'll see how that works out. I haven't bought anything except for the charms that I got on the 31st but that was last year so technically it doesn't count. Plus its for a gift so it will be leaving the house this week anyway.

I have stewed long enough about the projects that I wanted to make for my secret holiday pal and am finally seeing progress on them all. As you could see in the previous posts I have been organizing my fabric stash and trying to get a count of everything that I have in stash. There are alot of things that I want to make and hopefully this will be a much more productive year than I had last. Blog posts and all.

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added year-to-date: 0.00

Fabric used this week: 1.75
Fabric used year-to-date: 1.75

Net Fabric Used: 1.75

Fabric stash accounted for: 150.0 (and counting)

Unfortunately the fabric that I pulled for projects today wasn't counted yet, and the other parts of it were scraps that I had cut previously. I haven't figured out how to account for scraps yet but I think the scraps that I used add up to about a fat quarter.

So I'm looking good so far lets not let this surgery hold me back.. smiles

Weekend is almost finished!!

Well the weekend is almost over and I didn't get as much done as I had planned but I got alot more done than I ever imagined when it came to folding fabric and cleaning up the sewing room. I wanted to get a lot more sewn but that hasn't happened yet. I have a bunch cut and will be headed back to the sewing room here in a few to see what else I can get sewn before having to quit for the evening.

I seem to have mis-placed alot of patterns. Not sure where they got put but hope that all the clean up and re-organizing will help me find them. I have gotten almost all my goodies ready to go to Jill super late for the Christmas swap but never forgotten.

I am going to try to get a couple things sewn so that if I make it to the 250th blog post that I am able to send out a prize with out making some one wait for ever for it. It will be nice to participate in blog give aways and what not even though I am unable to sew for a little while. I have a couple things already for a swap with the TQ gals and think that there are some coming up with my Silly's group too so I will have to look into things for that.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the fabric that I have played with today! What do you think?