Saturday, March 28, 2009

This Weekend!!

Well once again I had big plans to sew and spend some time at the LQS but that really didn't happen. Keith and I went and saw "I Love You Man" at the theater last night. It was pretty funny. We had a good time.

Then this morning I decided that I needed to go out and feel like a girl so I went and had a manicure and got my eye brows done. After that I came back and picked up some things that Keith needed taken over to the recycle yard, stopped by the LQS and picked up the Breakfast Club patterns for January, February, and March.. Can't wait to see what they have for April. I managed to clean the house a little before deciding that I couldn't handle any more because it hurt too much.

Keith and I are going out to a little steak house here in town for dinner tonight and then I am going to come back and read through a new magazine that I bought (Kids Quilts) and I might try to get some BOM blocks put together. It all depends on what time we actually get to dinner and when we get home.

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