Monday, January 7, 2008

What does RAK mean?

Well I saw that a bunch of you had left messages as to what RAK meant. So I figured that I would sent a message. My quilt group started this last year but we often call it RAQ. RAK is "Random Acts of Kindness" and then for my quilt group we called them RAQ's "Random acts of Quiltyness" Smiles.. either way its just a way to to brighten some one elses day by doing something unexpected.. smiles



Monday, August 27, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by luv2quilt
Thank you for sharing that. I could not figure it out, and it was driving me CRAZY!!!! (doesn't take much these days!) Now I can rest. This is a new term for me, so I will share it with my group of quilting girls. Michelle

Monday, August 27, 2007 - thank you!
Posted by nancyrose
Thanks for helping out with the definition. I think I might even like RAQ better than RAK! Nancy

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