Monday, January 7, 2008

What Weekend?

I had to ask myself today if I really had a weekend this week because it sure felt like last week ran right in to this week and there was no in between. Thursday night I worked late so I was tired when I got home, Friday I made an emergency trip to the Vet because Lilly did something to her eye.. what yet I'm not sure since it looked like the ointment was working but when I came home this morning it looked worse. Saterday I had duty at work so I spent the whole day at the barracks on watch, went home this morning around 830 or so tried to sleep but really couldn't and had to be back at work at 2pm. I think I can safely say there was NO weekend.
So tomorrow will be spent sleeping (except for the Vet re-check) and I guess maybe Tuesday I'll try to get some sewing done. Or at least some fabric cut so that I can sew later in the week. I'm supposed to be going to mom and dad's this weekend.. I really need to get my other 2 kitties and bring them home.. but don't want to until I know that Lilly isn't contagious.



Sunday, August 12, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by CountryQuilter
Don't you just hate times like that. I am a homemaker, but I hate when it feels like the weekend goes too fast, its the only REAL time that I have with all of them. I hope your kitty gets better, keep us informed! Kristie

Sunday, August 12, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Cre8tiveQuilter
Wow that does sound like a rough weekend. Hopefully you can get some sleep and the kitty will also be feeling better. Cindy

Sunday, August 12, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by SewAndSnip
It almost sounds like everyone had a rough weekend. I hope the kitty gets better quickly and you get some well needed sleep. Cindy

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